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Why this matters

There will be times when you have to give bad news such as layoffs or lost promotions. Leading these conversations with grace is an admired leadership quality.

In a nutshell:

  • Get to the point and get there fast. You might feel the urge to procrastinate these conversations, but beating around the bushes won’t help.
  • Pause to let the message sink in before you present further information
  • Offer understanding and fully take responsibility by explaining the decision and the tradeoffs you are facing. Don’t expect agreement though.
  • Don’t blame others for the decision. As a leader, you represent the organization, and you accepted that role when you took your job.
  • Show empathy for the emotions the other is going through. Err on the side of validating these emotions instead of downplaying them.
  • Close with an invitation for conversation or support, and follow through on it.


Especially with layoffs: Get in contact with the persons. 1 -2 months later for a lunch or a (digital) coffee chat. This shows that you care and can build relationships for the long-term.