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Framework-Nazis: When tools become opressive

Framework-Nazis: When tools become opressive

Reality is messy. In its entirety, this world is too complex, to allow us humans make any sense of it. It is a scary thought, as we necessarily need to aknowledge that we are not in control of our own fate in basically all circumstances. One way we try to handle this...
Unlabeling my blog – and myself

Unlabeling my blog – and myself

I’ve been in a peculiar on-off-relationship with this blog. Or with any other content creation for that matter such as my YouTube videos or my podcast. And while it is certainly true that I simply chose different priorities the last few months (changed job,...
Das Anna Karenina Prinzip

Das Anna Karenina Prinzip

„Alle glücklichen Familien gleichen einander, jede unglückliche Familie ist auf ihre eigene Weise unglücklich“. Leo Tolstoi Das ist Leo Tolstois erster Satz in seinem Meisterwerk Anna Karenina. Und wie so oft bei den großen Klassikern steckt in diesem Satz...